Fluid added mass, damping, and stiffness are highly relevant parameters to consider when evaluating the dynamic response of a submerged structure in a fluid. The prediction of these parameters for hydraulic turbines has been approached relatively recently. Complex fluid-structure analyses including three-dimensional flow and the need for experiments during operation are the main challenges for the numerical and experimental approaches, respectively. The main objective of this review is to address the impact of different parameters, for example, flow velocity, cavitation, nearby solid structure, and rotational speed on the fluid added mass and damping of Kaplan/Propeller and Francis turbine runners. The fluid added stiffness is also discussed in the last section of the paper. Although studies related to hydraulic turbines are the main objective of this paper, the literature on hydrofoils is also taken into consideration to provide valuable information on topics such as individual runner blades. In this literature survey, the analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches used to determine fluid added parameters are discussed, and the pros and the cons of each method are addressed.
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September 2018
Review Articles
A Review of Available Methods for the Assessment of Fluid Added Mass, Damping, and Stiffness With an Emphasis on Hydraulic Turbines
Arash Soltani Dehkharqani,
Arash Soltani Dehkharqani
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: arasol@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: arasol@ltu.se
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Jan-Olov Aidanpää,
Jan-Olov Aidanpää
Division of Product and
Production Development,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Jan-Olov.Aidanpaa@ltu.se
Production Development,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Jan-Olov.Aidanpaa@ltu.se
Search for other works by this author on:
Fredrik Engström,
Fredrik Engström
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: fredrik.1.engstrom@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: fredrik.1.engstrom@ltu.se
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Michel J. Cervantes
Michel J. Cervantes
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Michel.Cervantes@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Michel.Cervantes@ltu.se
Search for other works by this author on:
Arash Soltani Dehkharqani
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: arasol@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: arasol@ltu.se
Jan-Olov Aidanpää
Division of Product and
Production Development,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Jan-Olov.Aidanpaa@ltu.se
Production Development,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Jan-Olov.Aidanpaa@ltu.se
Fredrik Engström
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: fredrik.1.engstrom@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: fredrik.1.engstrom@ltu.se
Michel J. Cervantes
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Michel.Cervantes@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, SE-971 87, Sweden
e-mail: Michel.Cervantes@ltu.se
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received April 25, 2018; final manuscript received December 13, 2018; published online January 8, 2019. Editor: Harry Dankowicz.
Appl. Mech. Rev. Sep 2018, 70(5): 050801 (20 pages)
Published Online: January 8, 2019
Article history
April 25, 2018
December 13, 2018
Dehkharqani, A. S., Aidanpää, J., Engström, F., and Cervantes, M. J. (January 8, 2019). "A Review of Available Methods for the Assessment of Fluid Added Mass, Damping, and Stiffness With an Emphasis on Hydraulic Turbines." ASME. Appl. Mech. Rev. September 2018; 70(5): 050801. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042279
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