Mesh reflectors with large apertures have been used in many communication satellites. The performance of antenna reflectors crucially depends on the faceting error of the reflective surface, which is approximated by using meshes. The force density method (FDM) has been widely used for the form-finding analysis of mesh reflectors. However, after performing form-finding of some meshes, the effective reflective area will decrease. In addition, the form-finding of the auxiliary mesh has received little attention, and it cannot be achieved by using the FDM. Thus, in this study, an effective form-finding methodology that combines the iterative FDM and the minimum norm method (MNM) is proposed. To consider the flexibility of the reflector ring truss, a static analysis of the ring truss under the tension force actions is also performed in the form-finding processes. The reflector flexible parts are described by the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). Finally, the form-finding analysis of the reflector with the standard configuration, the central hub configuration, and the circular configuration is performed to validate the proposed methodology. The influence of the mesh tension force on the reflector natural frequencies is also studied. After performing the form-finding analysis, the initial configuration of the reflector with tensioned meshes for the deployment dynamics study can be determined. Based on this paper, the deployment dynamics of a complex AstroMesh reflector will be studied in a successive paper “Dynamics of a Deployable Mesh Reflector of Satellite Antenna: Parallel Computation and Deployment Simulation.”
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July 2016
Dynamics of a Deployable Mesh Reflector of Satellite Antenna: Form-Finding and Modal Analysis
Pei Li,
Pei Li
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Cheng Liu,
Cheng Liu
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Qiang Tian,
Qiang Tian
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
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Haiyan Hu,
Haiyan Hu
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Yanping Song
Yanping Song
Xi'an Institute of Space Radio Technology, Xi'an,
Shaanxi 71000, China
Shaanxi 71000, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Pei Li
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Cheng Liu
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Qiang Tian
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Haiyan Hu
MOE Key Laboratory of Dynamics and
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
Control of Flight Vehicle,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
MIIT Key Laboratory of Autonomous Navigation
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
and Control for Deep Space Exploration,
School of Aerospace Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Yanping Song
Xi'an Institute of Space Radio Technology, Xi'an,
Shaanxi 71000, China
Shaanxi 71000, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. Manuscript received April 29, 2015; final manuscript received April 8, 2016; published online May 12, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Paramsothy Jayakumar.
J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Jul 2016, 11(4): 041017 (12 pages)
Published Online: May 12, 2016
Article history
April 29, 2015
April 8, 2016
Li, P., Liu, C., Tian, Q., Hu, H., and Song, Y. (May 12, 2016). "Dynamics of a Deployable Mesh Reflector of Satellite Antenna: Form-Finding and Modal Analysis." ASME. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. July 2016; 11(4): 041017.
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