Semi-active systems provide an attractive solution for the structural vibration problem. A useful approach, aimed to simplify the control design, is to divide the control system into two parts: an actuator and a controller. The actuator generates a force that tracks a command which is generated by the controller. Such approach reduces the complexity of the control law design as it allows for complex properties of the actuator to be considered separately. In this study, the semi-active control design problem is treated in the framework of optimal control theory by using bilinear representation, a quadratic performance index, and a constraint on the sign of the control signal. The optimal control signal is derived in a feedback form by using Krotov's method. To this end, a novel sequence of Krotov functions which suits the multi-input constrained bilinear-quadratic regulator problem is formulated by means of quadratic form and differential Lyapunov equations. An algorithm is proposed for the optimal control computation. A proof outline for the algorithm convergence is provided. The effectiveness of the suggested method is demonstrated by numerical example. The proposed method is recommended for optimal semi-active feedback design of vibrating plants with multiple semi-active actuators.
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November 2017
Using Constrained Bilinear Quadratic Regulator for the Optimal Semi-Active Control Problem
I. Halperin,
I. Halperin
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Search for other works by this author on:
G. Agranovich,
G. Agranovich
Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Search for other works by this author on:
Y. Ribakov
Y. Ribakov
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Search for other works by this author on:
I. Halperin
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
G. Agranovich
Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Y. Ribakov
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Ariel University,
Ariel 40700, Israel
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received August 31, 2016; final manuscript received June 21, 2017; published online August 9, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Douglas Bristow.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Nov 2017, 139(11): 111011 (8 pages)
Published Online: August 9, 2017
Article history
August 31, 2016
June 21, 2017
Halperin, I., Agranovich, G., and Ribakov, Y. (August 9, 2017). "Using Constrained Bilinear Quadratic Regulator for the Optimal Semi-Active Control Problem." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. November 2017; 139(11): 111011.
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