The forces acting on a three-dimensional cylinder with arbitrary symmetrical cross section are derived taking into account viscous effect and applying linear-processing techniques. Then general expressions for the hydrodynamic forces, motion equation and its solution for a semisubmersible platform in regular waves are obtained. Based on linear theory of statistical analysis, it is proposed to employ the concept of “equivalent wave height” for the calculation of transfer functions with which both the short-term and long-term distribution and statistical characteristics of the motion of a semisubmersible may be estimated. A computer program has been developed. Comparison between model experimental and theoretical data has shown satisfactory agreement.
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March 1982
Research Papers
Analysis of Motions of a Semisubmersible in Sea Waves
F. Z. Sun
F. Z. Sun
Marine Design and Research Institute of China, Shanghai, China
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F. Z. Sun
Marine Design and Research Institute of China, Shanghai, China
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Mar 1982, 104(1): 29-38 (10 pages)
Published Online: March 1, 1982
Article history
May 3, 1980
October 14, 1980
October 22, 2009
Sun, F. Z. (March 1, 1982). "Analysis of Motions of a Semisubmersible in Sea Waves." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. March 1982; 104(1): 29–38.
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