This research presents a mechanistic analysis of expanding-solvent steam-assisted gravity drainage (ES-SAGD) for heterogeneous reservoirs in terms of cumulative steam-oil ratio (SOR) as a function of cumulative bitumen production. Simulation case studies for SAGD and ES-SAGD with normal hexane at 35 bars are conducted for geostatistical realizations of two types of heterogeneous Athabasca-bitumen reservoirs. For the first type, low-permeability mudstone barriers are oriented horizontally. For the second type, they are inclined and more representative of the middle McMurray member. The solubility of water in the oleic phase at elevated temperatures is properly modeled to ensure reliable comparison between steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and ES-SAGD. Simulation results show that ES-SAGD is less sensitive to heterogeneity than SAGD in terms of cumulative SOR. On average, the reduction in SOR due to steam-solvent coinjection is simulated to be greater under heterogeneity. The reduction in SOR is greater for reservoir models with inclined mudstone barriers than in those with horizontal mudstone barriers. Analysis of simulation results indicates that the injected solvent tends to accumulate more significantly under heterogeneity, which enhances the mechanisms of ES-SAGD, such as dilution of bitumen by solvent and reduced thermal losses to the overburden. Tortuous hydraulic paths and slower gravity drainage under heterogeneity enhance the mixing between solvent and bitumen in the transverse direction along the edge of a steam chamber. Then, a larger amount of the accumulated solvent tends to facilitate lower temperatures near the chamber edge.
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November 2018
Steam-Oil Ratio in Steam-Solvent Coinjection Simulation for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bitumen Reservoirs
Arun Venkat Venkatramani,
Arun Venkat Venkatramani
School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering,
University of Alberta,
7-203 Donadeo Innovation Centre for
Engineering, 9211-116 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada
University of Alberta,
7-203 Donadeo Innovation Centre for
Engineering, 9211-116 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada
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Ryosuke Okuno
Ryosuke Okuno
Department of Petroleum and Geosystems
University of Texas at Austin,
CPE 5.118B, 200 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Stop C0300,
Austin, TX 78712-1585
University of Texas at Austin,
CPE 5.118B, 200 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Stop C0300,
Austin, TX 78712-1585
Search for other works by this author on:
Arun Venkat Venkatramani
School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering,
University of Alberta,
7-203 Donadeo Innovation Centre for
Engineering, 9211-116 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada
University of Alberta,
7-203 Donadeo Innovation Centre for
Engineering, 9211-116 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada
Ryosuke Okuno
Department of Petroleum and Geosystems
University of Texas at Austin,
CPE 5.118B, 200 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Stop C0300,
Austin, TX 78712-1585
University of Texas at Austin,
CPE 5.118B, 200 E. Dean Keeton Street,
Stop C0300,
Austin, TX 78712-1585
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Petroleum Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received December 2, 2017; final manuscript received May 25, 2018; published online June 26, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Ray (Zhenhua) Rui.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Nov 2018, 140(11): 112903 (17 pages)
Published Online: June 26, 2018
Article history
December 2, 2017
May 25, 2018
Venkatramani, A. V., and Okuno, R. (June 26, 2018). "Steam-Oil Ratio in Steam-Solvent Coinjection Simulation for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bitumen Reservoirs." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. November 2018; 140(11): 112903.
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