In swirling turbulent flows, the structure of turbulence is nonhomogeneous and anisotropic and it has been observed that the assumptions leading to the formulation of the k-ε model, which is used very often in many engineering applications, are inadequate for highly swirling flows. Furthermore, even with the various modifications made to the k-ε model, it is still not capable of describing secondary flows in noncircular ducts and it cannot predict non-zero normal-Reynolds-stress differences. Recently Speziale (1987) has developed a nonlinar k-ε model, which extends the range of validity of the standard k-ε model while maintaining most of the interesting features of the k-ε model; for example, the ease of application in existing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes. In this work, we will use the nonlinear k-ε closure to model the turbulence in combustors. The particular combustor geometries selected for this study are (i) the flow in a round pipe entering an expansion into another coaxial round pipe, and (ii) the flow in two confined co-axial swirling jets. The results show that there are no significant differences in the performance of the two models. It is speculated that the inlet conditions for k and ε may play as crucial a role in achieving predicted accuracy as turbulence modeling details. Also it is possible that weaknesses in the performance of the modeled equations for k and ε may have masked differences in the two models.

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