A lifing technique for predicting fretting fatigue on highly loaded blade-disk attachments has been developed and calibrated. The approach combines extensive testing on nickel and titanium based alloys using a specially devised multiaxial fretting test machine and an analytical lifing procedure, based on finite element contact calculations and multiaxial shakedown fatigue models. In order to reproduce realistic operational conditions and standardize testing conditions, a special fretting fatigue testing machine with high temperature testing capabilities was developed. The machine was employed to perform systematic testing under prescribed load and displacement conditions at representative temperatures. Making use of FEA, the rig test results were calculated to identify relevant parameters such as friction coefficient, slip conditions, and machine compliance. The computation procedure involves the calculation of several major loading cycles until a stabilized response of the structure is achieved. The material response is assumed to be elastoplastic, and a nonlinear friction law (space and time) was applied. From the computed mechanical variables, several life prediction models are benchmarked to establish their capabilities to predict fretting fatigue life. Finally, a most promising life estimation procedure was applied to predict life in a real compressor blade-disk attachment. Predicted failure location and number of cycles to failure are compared against engine test results. The experimental-analytical approach has the potential to predict fretting fatigue risk during the design phase on highly loaded joints, as well as estimating the preventive overhaul intervals for parts already in service.
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August 2010
Research Papers
A Modeling Approach to Predict Fretting Fatigue on Highly Loaded Blade Roots
Patrick Wackers,
Patrick Wackers
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
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Victor Arrieta,
Victor Arrieta
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
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Marcel Alquezar-Getan,
Marcel Alquezar-Getan
ATENA Engineering
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
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Andrei Constantinescu,
Andrei Constantinescu
École Polytechnique Palaiseau
, Palaiseau Cedex 91128, France
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Habibou Maitournam
Habibou Maitournam
École Polytechnique Palaiseau
, Palaiseau Cedex 91128, France
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Patrick Wackers
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
Victor Arrieta
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
Marcel Alquezar-Getan
ATENA Engineering
, Munich, Bavaria 80995, Germany
Andrei Constantinescu
École Polytechnique Palaiseau
, Palaiseau Cedex 91128, France
Habibou Maitournam
École Polytechnique Palaiseau
, Palaiseau Cedex 91128, FranceJ. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Aug 2010, 132(8): 082101 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 10, 2010
Article history
April 8, 2009
April 15, 2009
May 10, 2010
May 10, 2010
Wackers, P., Arrieta, V., Alquezar-Getan, M., Constantinescu, A., and Maitournam, H. (May 10, 2010). "A Modeling Approach to Predict Fretting Fatigue on Highly Loaded Blade Roots." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. August 2010; 132(8): 082101. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3205026
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