To promote the energy utilization efficiency of internal combustion engine, the approach of electronically controlled turbocharger (ECT) for IC engine exhaust gas energy recovery was investigated by the method of test coupling with numerical simulation. First, the tests for turbocharged gasoline engine and high-speed motor were conducted so as to provide experimental data for numerical simulation. Then, the simulation model of ECT engine was built and calibrated, and the working processes of ECT engine were simulated. The results show that the recovered exhaust gas energy by ECT increases with the decrease of by-pass valve opening due to the rising of exhaust gas mass flow rate, but the pumping loss also ascends; limited by the original engine turbocharger map, the engine working points are beyond turbine map when the by-pass valve opening increases to a certain degree. To further improve the energy recovery potential of ECT, a larger turbine was rematched, and the working processes of ECT engine under the whole operating conditions were resimulated. The results indicate that engine exhaust gas energy cannot be recovered by ECT in low-load and low-speed area due to the low exhaust gas pressure. In the effective working area, as the load and speed ascend, both the recovery efficiency of ECT and the utilization efficiency of exhaust gas energy increase, and their maximum values reach 8.4% and 18.4%, respectively. All those demonstrate that ECT can effectively recover engine exhaust gas energy.
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November 2016
Study of Energy-Saving Potential of Electronically Controlled Turbocharger for Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust Gas Energy Recovery
Qijun Tang,
Qijun Tang
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
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Jianqin Fu,
Jianqin Fu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China;
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China;
Key Laboratory of Low-Grade Energy Utilization
Technologies and Systems,
Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University,
Chongqing 400044, China
Technologies and Systems,
Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University,
Chongqing 400044, China
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Jingping Liu,
Jingping Liu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
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Feng Zhou,
Feng Zhou
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
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Xiongbo Duan
Xiongbo Duan
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Qijun Tang
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Jianqin Fu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China;
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China;
Key Laboratory of Low-Grade Energy Utilization
Technologies and Systems,
Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University,
Chongqing 400044, China
Technologies and Systems,
Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University,
Chongqing 400044, China
Jingping Liu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Feng Zhou
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Xiongbo Duan
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body,
Hunan University,
Changsha 410082, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the IC Engine Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received November 27, 2015; final manuscript received April 28, 2016; published online May 24, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Song-Charng Kong.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Nov 2016, 138(11): 112805 (13 pages)
Published Online: May 24, 2016
Article history
November 27, 2015
April 28, 2016
Tang, Q., Fu, J., Liu, J., Zhou, F., and Duan, X. (May 24, 2016). "Study of Energy-Saving Potential of Electronically Controlled Turbocharger for Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust Gas Energy Recovery." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. November 2016; 138(11): 112805.
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