High overall pressure ratio (OPR) engine cycles for reduced NOx emissions will generate new aggravated requirements and boundary conditions by implementing low emission combustion technologies into advanced engine architectures. Lean burn combustion systems will have a significant impact on the temperature and velocity traverse at the combustor exit. Lean burn fuel injectors dominate the combustor exit conditions. This is due to the fact that they pass a majority of the total combustor flow, and to the lack of mixing jets like in a conventional combustor. With the transition to high-pressure engines, it is essential to fully understand and determine the high energetic interface between combustor and turbine to avoid excessive cooling. Velocity distributions and their fluctuations at the combustor exit for lean burn are of special interest as they can influence the efficiency and capacity of the turbine. A lean burn single-sector combustor was designed and built at DLR, providing optical access to its rectangular exit section. The sector was operated with a fuel-staged lean burn injector. Measurements were performed under idle and cruise operating conditions. Two velocity measurement techniques were used in the demanding environment of highly luminous flames under elevated pressures: particle image velocimetry (PIV) and filtered Rayleigh scattering (FRS). The latter was used for the first time in an aero-engine combustor environment. In addition to a conventional signal detection arrangement, FRS was also applied with an endoscope for signal collection, to assess its practicality for a potential future application in a full annular combustor with restricted optical access.
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January 2017
Flow Field Characterization at the Outlet of a Lean Burn Single-Sector Combustor by Laser-Optical Methods
Michael Schroll,
Michael Schroll
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Michael.Schroll@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Michael.Schroll@dlr.de
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Ulrich Doll,
Ulrich Doll
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Doll@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Doll@dlr.de
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Guido Stockhausen,
Guido Stockhausen
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Guido.Stockhausen@dlr.de
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Guido.Stockhausen@dlr.de
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Ulrich Meier,
Ulrich Meier
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Meier@dlr.de
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Meier@dlr.de
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Chris Willert,
Chris Willert
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Chris.Willert@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Chris.Willert@dlr.de
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Christoph Hassa,
Christoph Hassa
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Christoph.Hassa@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Christoph.Hassa@dlr.de
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Imon Bagchi
Imon Bagchi
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG,
Eschenweg 11, Dahlewitz,
Blankenfelde-Mahlow 15827, Germany
e-mail: Imon-Kalyan.Bagchi@rolls-royce.com
Eschenweg 11, Dahlewitz,
Blankenfelde-Mahlow 15827, Germany
e-mail: Imon-Kalyan.Bagchi@rolls-royce.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Michael Schroll
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Michael.Schroll@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Michael.Schroll@dlr.de
Ulrich Doll
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Doll@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Doll@dlr.de
Guido Stockhausen
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Guido.Stockhausen@dlr.de
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Guido.Stockhausen@dlr.de
Ulrich Meier
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Meier@dlr.de
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Ulrich.Meier@dlr.de
Chris Willert
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Chris.Willert@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Chris.Willert@dlr.de
Christoph Hassa
Institute of Propulsion Technology,
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Christoph.Hassa@dlr.de
DLR—German Aerospace Center,
Linder Hoehe,
Cologne 51147, Germany
e-mail: Christoph.Hassa@dlr.de
Imon Bagchi
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG,
Eschenweg 11, Dahlewitz,
Blankenfelde-Mahlow 15827, Germany
e-mail: Imon-Kalyan.Bagchi@rolls-royce.com
Eschenweg 11, Dahlewitz,
Blankenfelde-Mahlow 15827, Germany
e-mail: Imon-Kalyan.Bagchi@rolls-royce.com
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received June 21, 2016; final manuscript received June 24, 2016; published online August 16, 2016. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jan 2017, 139(1): 011503 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 16, 2016
Article history
June 21, 2016
June 24, 2016
Schroll, M., Doll, U., Stockhausen, G., Meier, U., Willert, C., Hassa, C., and Bagchi, I. (August 16, 2016). "Flow Field Characterization at the Outlet of a Lean Burn Single-Sector Combustor by Laser-Optical Methods." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. January 2017; 139(1): 011503. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4034040
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