Darrieus vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have been recently identified as the most promising solution for new types of applications, such as small-scale installations in complex terrains or offshore large floating platforms. To improve their efficiencies further and make them competitive with those of conventional horizontal axis wind turbines, a more in depth understanding of the physical phenomena that govern the aerodynamics past a rotating Darrieus turbine is needed. Within this context, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can play a fundamental role, since it represents the only model able to provide a detailed and comprehensive representation of the flow. Due to the complexity of similar simulations, however, the possibility of having reliable and detailed experimental data to be used as validation test cases is pivotal to tune the numerical tools. In this study, a two-dimensional (2D) unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (U-RANS) computational model was applied to analyze the wake characteristics on the midplane of a small-size H-shaped Darrieus VAWT. The turbine was tested in a large-scale, open-jet wind tunnel, including both performance and wake measurements. Thanks to the availability of such a unique set of experimental data, systematic comparisons between simulations and experiments were carried out for analyzing the structure of the wake and correlating the main macrostructures of the flow to the local aerodynamic features of the airfoils in cycloidal motion. In general, good agreement on the turbine performance estimation was constantly appreciated.
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March 2018
Detailed Analysis of the Wake Structure of a Straight-Blade H-Darrieus Wind Turbine by Means of Wind Tunnel Experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
Alessandro Bianchini,
Alessandro Bianchini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: bianchini@vega.de.unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: bianchini@vega.de.unifi.it
Search for other works by this author on:
Francesco Balduzzi,
Francesco Balduzzi
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: balduzzi@vega.de.unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: balduzzi@vega.de.unifi.it
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Giovanni Ferrara,
Giovanni Ferrara
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.ferrara@unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.ferrara@unifi.it
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Lorenzo Ferrari,
Lorenzo Ferrari
Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and
Construction Engineering,
University of Pisa,
Largo Lucio Lazzarino,
Pisa 56122, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.ferrari@unipi.it
Construction Engineering,
University of Pisa,
Largo Lucio Lazzarino,
Pisa 56122, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.ferrari@unipi.it
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Giacomo Persico,
Giacomo Persico
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: giacomo.persico@polimi.it
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: giacomo.persico@polimi.it
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Vincenzo Dossena,
Vincenzo Dossena
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: vincenzo.dossena@polimi.it
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: vincenzo.dossena@polimi.it
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Lorenzo Battisti
Lorenzo Battisti
Department of Civil, Environmental and
Mechanical Engineering,
Università di Trento,
Via Mesiano 77,
Trento 38123, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.battisti@unitn.it
Mechanical Engineering,
Università di Trento,
Via Mesiano 77,
Trento 38123, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.battisti@unitn.it
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Alessandro Bianchini
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: bianchini@vega.de.unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: bianchini@vega.de.unifi.it
Francesco Balduzzi
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: balduzzi@vega.de.unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: balduzzi@vega.de.unifi.it
Giovanni Ferrara
Department of Industrial Engineering,
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.ferrara@unifi.it
University of Florence,
Via di Santa Marta 3,
Firenze 50139, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.ferrara@unifi.it
Lorenzo Ferrari
Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and
Construction Engineering,
University of Pisa,
Largo Lucio Lazzarino,
Pisa 56122, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.ferrari@unipi.it
Construction Engineering,
University of Pisa,
Largo Lucio Lazzarino,
Pisa 56122, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.ferrari@unipi.it
Giacomo Persico
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: giacomo.persico@polimi.it
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: giacomo.persico@polimi.it
Vincenzo Dossena
Dipartimento di Energia,
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: vincenzo.dossena@polimi.it
Politecnico di Milano,
Via Lambruschini 4,
Milano 20156, Italy
e-mail: vincenzo.dossena@polimi.it
Lorenzo Battisti
Department of Civil, Environmental and
Mechanical Engineering,
Università di Trento,
Via Mesiano 77,
Trento 38123, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.battisti@unitn.it
Mechanical Engineering,
Università di Trento,
Via Mesiano 77,
Trento 38123, Italy
e-mail: lorenzo.battisti@unitn.it
Contributed by the Turbomachinery Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 5, 2017; final manuscript received July 19, 2017; published online October 17, 2017. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Mar 2018, 140(3): 032604 (9 pages)
Published Online: October 17, 2017
Article history
July 5, 2017
July 19, 2017
Bianchini, A., Balduzzi, F., Ferrara, G., Ferrari, L., Persico, G., Dossena, V., and Battisti, L. (October 17, 2017). "Detailed Analysis of the Wake Structure of a Straight-Blade H-Darrieus Wind Turbine by Means of Wind Tunnel Experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. March 2018; 140(3): 032604. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4037906
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