Advanced manufacturing processes are often based on complex multiphysics phenomena that are either poorly understood or are computationally too expensive to simulate in the context of process design, control or planning. Traditionally, simplified physics models with prescribed heuristics or purely data-driven surrogate models are used as alternatives in such applications. The concept of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) has been shown to have unique advantages over both of these alternatives in various fields of complex system analysis. In this paper, a new physics-informed machine learning (PIML) approach is presented to model the geometry of the cut produced by a Magnetically-assisted Laser Induced Plasma Micro Machining (M-LIPMM) process. This PIML architecture uses a neural network to auto-adapt the parametric boundary condition and physical properties used in a simplified finite difference based physics model (of 2D heat conduction), as a function of the inputs namely the laser settings. This network also estimates the scaling and shifting parameters used by a convolutional neural network that takes the temperature profile predicted by the simplified heat conduction model to predict the width and depth of the machined cut. Trained on physical experiment data, the PIML approach compares favorably to a pure data-driven neural network model in extrapolation tests, while also providing physical insights (that the latter cannot). The PIML approach also provides an 85% better accuracy overall compared to the simplified physics model with heuristic settings.