We investigate a domain decomposition method (DDM) of finite element method (FEM) using Intel's many integrated core (MIC) architecture in order to determine the most effective MIC usage. For this, recently introduced high-scalable parallel method of DDM is first introduced with a detailed procedure. Then, the Intel's Xeon Phi MIC architecture is presented to understand how to apply the parallel algorithm into a multicore architecture. The parallel simulation using the Xeon Phi MIC has an advantage that traditional parallel libraries such as the message passing interface (MPI) and the open multiprocessing (OpenMP) can be used without any additional libraries. We demonstrate the DDM using popular libraries for solving linear algebra such as the linear algebra package (LAPACK) or the basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS). Moreover, both MPI and OpenMP are used for parallel resolutions of the DDM. Finally, numerical parallel efficiencies are validated by a two-dimensional numerical example.
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April 2017
Parallelized Simulation of a Finite Element Method in Many Integrated Core Architecture
Moonho Tak,
Moonho Tak
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: pivotman@hanyang.ac.kr
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: pivotman@hanyang.ac.kr
Search for other works by this author on:
Taehyo Park
Taehyo Park
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: cepark@hanyang.ac.kr
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: cepark@hanyang.ac.kr
Search for other works by this author on:
Moonho Tak
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: pivotman@hanyang.ac.kr
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: pivotman@hanyang.ac.kr
Taehyo Park
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: cepark@hanyang.ac.kr
Computational Solid and Structural
Mechanics Laboratory,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Hanyang University,
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, South Korea
e-mail: cepark@hanyang.ac.kr
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Materials Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received June 1, 2016; final manuscript received October 25, 2016; published online February 7, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Xi Chen.
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Apr 2017, 139(2): 021009 (6 pages)
Published Online: February 7, 2017
Article history
June 1, 2016
October 25, 2016
Tak, M., and Park, T. (February 7, 2017). "Parallelized Simulation of a Finite Element Method in Many Integrated Core Architecture." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. April 2017; 139(2): 021009. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4035326
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