This investigation focuses on the development of modifications to the Collaborative Optimization (CO) approach to multidisciplinary systems design, that will provide solution capabilities for multiobjective problems. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview and development of mathematically rigorous optimization strategies for Multiobjective Collaborative Optimization (MOCO). Collaborative Optimization strategies provide design optimization capabilities to discipline designers within a multidisciplinary design environment. To date these CO strategies have primarily been applied to system design problems which have a single objective function. Recent investigations involving multidisciplinary design simulators have reported success in applying CO to multiobjective system design problems. In this research three Multiobjective Collaborative Optimization (MOCO) strategies are developed, reviewed and implemented in a comparative study. The goal of this effort is to provide an in depth comparison of different MOCO strategies available to system designers. Each of the three strategies makes use of parameter sensitivities within multilevel solution strategies. In implementation studies, each of the three MOCO strategies is effective in solving a multiobjective multidisciplinary systems design problem. Results indicate that these MOCO strategies require an accurate estimation of parameter sensitivities for successful implementation. In each of the three MOCO strategies these parameter sensitivities are obtained using post-optimality analysis techniques.

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