We present the analytical solutions of the second-, third-, and fourth-order response moments of a single-degree-of-freedom linear system subjected to a class of non-Gaussian random excitation. The non-Gaussian excitation is a zero-mean stationary stochastic process prescribed by an arbitrary probability density and a power spectrum whose peak is located at zero frequency. The excitation is described by an Itô stochastic differential equation in which the drift and diffusion coefficients are determined from the probability density and spectral density of the excitation. In order to obtain the analytical solutions of the response moments, first, we derive the third- and fourth-order autocorrelation functions of the non-Gaussian excitation using its Markov and detailed balance properties. The third-order correlation function is given by the same expression regardless of the difference in the probability density function of the excitation. On the other hand, the fourth-order correlation function is derived under the assumption that the excitation probability density belongs to the Pearson distribution family, which is one of the widest classes of probability distributions. Then, combining the autocorrelation functions of the excitation and the convolution representation of the response, we obtain the exact solutions of the response moments, and it is shown what kind of components the response moments are composed of. Finally, we investigate the dominant time-varying components of the response moments for several different excitation bandwidths.
1 Introduction
It is important to determine and examine the stochastic response of dynamic systems subjected to random excitations from the viewpoint of enhancement of reliability, safety, and comfortability of machines and structures. When analyzing stochastic dynamic systems, in many cases, a random excitation has been modeled by a Gaussian process. This is due to the fact that real random excitations often have the probability densities similar to a Gaussian distribution, and the analytical advantage that the probabilistic properties of Gaussian processes can be completely described by the statistics up to the second order, namely, the mean function and the autocorrelation function (or equivalently the power spectral density for stationary processes). However, some engineering systems are subjected to highly non-Gaussian random excitations, for example, vehicles running on rough road surfaces [1,2], trains running on tracks with irregularities [1,3], marine structures excited by wave forces [4,5], and low-rise buildings under wind pressure [6,7]. The response of a system under non-Gaussian excitation is generally also non-Gaussian even though the system is linear. Thus, if we assume a Gaussianity for a random excitation that is actually non-Gaussian, the assumption may lead to large errors in response analysis results. Therefore, the stochastic response analysis taking into account the non-Gaussianity of random excitations properly and the elucidation of the effects of the excitation non-Gaussianity on system responses have become one of the key issues in the community of random vibration.
A mathematically rigorous description of a non-Gaussian process requires its finite-dimensional distribution of arbitrary order, which is unrealistic in modeling real non-Gaussian phenomena. For this reason, in many practical situations, two essential probabilistic properties, the first-order probability density and the power spectral density, are used. In the last few decades, considerable effort has been devoted to developing models for a non-Gaussian process prescribed by the probability density and the power spectrum. And now, there are various models such as translation process [8,9], spectral representation method with translation process theory [10–15], Karhunen–Loève expansion model [16–18], polynomial chaos expansion model [19–21], stochastic differential equation model [22–28], etc.
Among such non-Gaussian models, this paper focuses on a stochastic differential equation model presented by Cai and Lin [25]. In this model, a non-Gaussian process is assumed to be zero-mean and stationary, and described by a one-dimensional Itô stochastic differential equation. The drift and diffusion coefficients in the Itô equation are adjusted to match the spectral density and the probability density, respectively. The advantages of the Cai and Lin’s model are as follows: (i) this model is very versatile in terms that it can treat a non-Gaussian process with an arbitrary probability density, which is useful to find the general characteristics of system response that commonly appear for various non-Gaussian excitations. (ii) No approximations are involved in modeling, and a model that exactly fits the given non-Gaussian distribution and power spectrum can be obtained. (iii) Since the random process is represented as a Markov process, it is possible to perform an analysis using the well-known Markov property.
So far, some studies have been conducted for linear and nonlinear systems under non-Gaussian random excitation described by the Cai and Lin’s model. Tsuchida and Kimura carried out Monte Carlo simulation to examine the stationary response probability density of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) linear and nonlinear-stiffness systems under the non-Gaussian excitation [29]. It was found that the shape of the response distribution is highly dependent on the bandwidth of the excitation power spectrum. Especially for a linear system, the displacement response distribution has a shape close to the excitation probability density when the excitation bandwidth is small compared to the bandwidth of the frequency response function of the system. Conversely, if the excitation bandwidth is larger, then the response distribution becomes almost Gaussian. Such a relationship between the excitation bandwidth and the stationary response of the system was also investigated in terms of the moments [30–32].
In many engineering problems, it is important to understand not only the stationary response but also the transient response. A few studies have addressed the transient response of systems subjected to non-Gaussian excitation modeled by the Cai and Lin’s procedure. Wu and Cai investigated the effects of the excitation probability density on the transient response properties for various linear and nonlinear dynamical systems in the case of wide-band excitation [33]. It was shown that the excitation probability distribution has a great effect on the transient behavior of the response for a dynamical system, either linear or nonlinear, and the effect reduces as the system response approaches the stationary state. Recently, Fukushima and Tsuchida also studied the transient response of a SDOF linear system subjected to the non-Gaussian excitation with a variety of bandwidths using Monte Carlo simulation [34]. The simulation results demonstrated that as in the case of the stationary response [29], the bandwidth of the excitation spectral density influences on the transient response characteristics significantly. Immediately after the excitation starts, the effect of non-Gaussianity of the excitation appears in the response distribution clearly, but when the excitation bandwidth is large, the response distribution approaches a Gaussian distribution almost monotonically and rapidly. On the other hand, for the small excitation bandwidth, the effect of the excitation non-Gaussianity remains in the response until the response reaches the stationary state, and the width and degree of non-Gaussianity of the response distribution change periodically in the transient state. In the above studies, however, it was not sufficiently investigated what kind of time-varying components the probability distribution and moments of the transient response are composed of, and which of them are dominant. A better understanding of such time-varying characteristics of the transient response is expected to contribute to improving the reliability and safety of non-Gaussian randomly excited systems. For non-Gaussian response, its probability density function generally has a shape with asymmetry and/or heavy tails. In terms of statistical moments, the asymmetry and tail shape of the probability density are characterized by the third- and fourth-order moments, which are related to the skewness and kurtosis of the response, respectively. Thus, the non-Gaussian characteristics of the response can be found by analyzing these higher-order response moments in detail.
In the present paper, we derive the analytical solutions of the second-, third-, and fourth-order time-dependent response moments of a SDOF linear system subjected to non-Gaussian random excitation expressed by the Cai and Lin’s model. In this regard, the higher-order autocorrelation functions of the non-Gaussian excitation, which are necessary for obtaining the response statistics, are also derived using its Markov and detailed balance properties. The response moments are then decomposed into their components to see what time-varying components are included. Furthermore, we also observe the relationship between the dominant components of the response moments and the excitation bandwidth.
2 Models of System and Non-Gaussian Random Excitation
2.1 Equation of Motion.
2.2 Non-Gaussian Random Excitation.
Thus, the non-Gaussian random excitation U(t) described by Eq. (3) with D(u) in Eq. (8) possesses a given probability density pU(u) and the spectral density SU(ω) given by Eq. (2). For this non-Gaussian excitation, we analyze the second-, third-, and fourth-order response moments of the SDOF linear system (1).
3 Derivation of Higher-Order Autocorrelation Functions of Non-Gaussian Excitation
In this section, the third- and fourth-order autocorrelation functions of the non-Gaussian random excitation U(t) are derived.
3.1 Third-Order Autocorrelation Function.
3.2 Fourth-Order Autocorrelation Function.
4 Analysis of Transient Response Moments
In the following sections, we find the analytical solutions of the second-, third-, and fourth-order response moments by using the autocorrelation functions of U(t) derived in Sec. 3. Furthermore, based on the analytical solutions, we investigate what kind of time-varying components each moment consists of.
4.1 Second-Order Moments.
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period 2π
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period π
Monotonically decaying term
Stationary term (constant term)
4.2 Third-Order Moments.
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period 2π
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period π
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period 2π/3
- Monotonically decaying term
Stationary term (constant term)
4.3 Fourth-Order Moments.
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period 2π
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period π
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period 2π/3
- Exponentially decaying oscillatory terms with period π/2
- Monotonically decaying terms
Stationary term (constant term)
5 Analysis Results
In this section, the magnitude of each component in the analytical solution of the response moment is compared quantitatively to examine its dominant time-varying component. The values of the damping ratio ζ of the system and the bandwidth α of the excitation power spectrum SU(ω) are given as follows:
Damping ratio: ζ = 0.05
Bandwidth of excitation power spectrum: α = 0.01, 0.05, 1
Time-step: Δt = 0.1 (α = 0.01 and 0.05), Δt = 0.01 (α = 1)
Number of sample functions: 2 × 107
5.1 Second-Order Moments.
Figure 3 shows the temporal change of each component of the second-order response moments E[X2(t)] and derived in Sec. 4.1. Since E[X2(t)] and are proportional to the second-order moment E[U2] of the excitation U(t), in Fig. 3, the results of E[X2(t)] and are normalized by E[U2]. If there are multiple terms in each component, the sum of them is plotted. The black solid line (total) denotes the sum of all components, which is namely E[X2(t)]/E[U2] itself or itself. The circles indicate the corresponding Monte Carlo simulation results for comparison. The analytical results (total) are in good agreement with the simulation results, which prove that the analytical solutions derived in this study are accurate.
The characteristics of the time variation of E[X2(t)] and , which can be seen from Fig. 3, are described below. First, we observe the results in the case that the excitation bandwidth parameter α is smaller than the damping ratio ζ which corresponds to the bandwidth of the frequency response function. Comparing the components of E[X2(t)] for α = 0.01, the exponentially decaying oscillation with period 2π is dominant. Correspondingly, the period of E[X2(t)] (total) is also 2π. On the other hand, for , its π-period component is superior to other components, so that the period of is also π. For α = 0.05 (α = ζ), as in the case of α = 0.01, the 2π- and π-period components dominate in E[X2(t)] and , respectively. It can also be seen that there is no monotonically decaying component in either E[X2(t)] or (“decay” line is always 0). For α = 1 (α > ζ), in both E[X2(t)] and , the monotonic decay component is dominant. Comparing between the oscillatory components, the π-period component is larger, although its magnitude itself is small. Therefore, the second-order response moments for α = 1 increase with a small oscillation with period π.
5.2 Third-Order Moments.
Figure 4 shows each component of the third-order response moments E[X3(t)] and derived in Sec. 4.2. Similar to the second-order moments, E[X3(t)] and are proportional to the third-order excitation moment E[U3]. Hence, in Fig. 4, E[X3(t)]/E[U3] and are plotted assuming E[U3] ≠ 0. (When E[U3] = 0, E[X3(t)] and are equal to 0). The analytical results (total) agree very well with the simulation results.
From Fig. 4, the oscillation component with period 2π is dominant for both E[X3(t)] and irrespective of the excitation bandwidth α. Since the other oscillatory and monotonic decay components are all smaller than the 2π-period component, these terms do not contribute much to the time variation of E[X3(t)] and .
5.3 Fourth-Order Moments.
Gamma distribution E[U2] = 1 E[U3] = 2 E[U4] = 9
Uniform distribution E[U2] = 1 E[U3] = 0 E[U4] = 1.8
Figures 5 and 6 show each component of the fourth-order response moments E[X4(t)] and for the gamma and uniform distributions, respectively. Note that Figs. 5 and 6 show the fourth-order response moments themselves rather than the normalized ones. The simulation results in Fig. 6 were obtained with the pertinent Monte Carlo simulation using 2 × 107 realizations of the uniformly distributed excitation. These two figures demonstrate that the analytical solutions derived in this study are precise.
From Figs. 5 and 6, it is found that the temporal change of the fourth-order response moments has some common features regardless of the excitation probability distribution. For α = 0.01 and 0.05, the 2π- and π-period components are dominant in E[X4(t)] and , respectively. In the case of α = 1, the monotonic decay component is dominant. Among the oscillatory components, the π-period component is slightly larger, and the remaining three oscillatory components (period 2π, 2π/3, and π/2) are almost zero. Therefore, the fourth-order response moments for α = 1 increase with a small oscillation with period π. Finally, the above features are similar to those observed in the second-order response moments. Hence, the characteristics of the temporal change in the response moments are common for the second- and fourth-order moments and different for the third-order moment.
6 Conclusions
We have derived the analytical solutions of the response statistics of a single-degree-of-freedom linear system subjected to a class of non-Gaussian random excitation. The non-Gaussian excitation considered in this paper is a zero-mean stationary stochastic process prescribed by an arbitrary probability density and a power spectrum with bandwidth parameter. The excitation is modeled by a one-dimensional Itô-type stochastic differential equation whose drift and diffusion coefficients are determined according to the probability density and the spectral density.
In order to obtain the analytical solutions of the response statistics, first, the third- and fourth-order autocorrelation functions of the non-Gaussian excitation have been derived using its Markov and detailed balance properties. The third-order correlation function is valid for any probability density function of the excitation. The fourth-order correlation function, on the other hand, has been derived under the assumption that the diffusion coefficient of the stochastic differential equation for the excitation is expressed as a quadratic polynomial. However, the quadratic-type diffusion coefficient corresponds to the fact that the probability density belongs to the Pearson distribution family, which is one of the widest classes of probability distributions. Hence, the fourth-order correlation function derived in this study is applicable to excitation with a wide variety of probability density functions. Then, using the autocorrelation functions of the excitation, the second-, third-, and fourth-order response moments have been found based on the convolution integral of the excitation and the impulse response function of the system. It has been shown that the response moments consist of the several exponentially decaying oscillatory components with different periods, the monotonically decaying components and the stationary component.
Finally, we have investigated the dominant time-varying components of the response moments in the case of three different excitation bandwidths. The findings are as follows:
Second- and fourth-order moments
When the excitation bandwidth is small or equal to the system damping ratio corresponding to the bandwidth of the system, the displacement moment is dominated by the decaying oscillation component with period 2π. On the other hand, the decaying oscillation with period π predominates in the velocity moment.
When the excitation bandwidth is large compared to the damping ratio, the monotonically decaying component becomes the most dominant in both the displacement and velocity moments. Among the oscillation components, the π-period component is slightly larger, and other components are nearly zero. Therefore, the moments increase with a small oscillation with period π.
Irrespective of the excitation bandwidth, the decaying oscillation component with period 2π dominates for both the displacement and velocity moments.
In this paper, a stationary non-Gaussian process has been considered as a random excitation acting on a system. In some engineering problems, random excitations may have not only non-Gaussianity but also non-stationarity. Therefore, it is of importance to analyze dynamic systems under non-stationary non-Gaussian excitations. The analytical solutions derived in this paper can be applied to the case of non-stationary non-Gaussian excitation if the excitation is given in the form of the stationary non-Gaussian process described by Cai and Lin’s model multiplied by a modulating function introducing amplitude non-stationarity. This topic will be examined concretely in our future work and reported in a later paper.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP18K13712. The figures were drawn using ZoomPlot (Matlab extension) provided by Qiu, K.2
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this paper.
Data Availability Statement
The authors attest that all data for this study are included in the paper.