Co-firing biomass with traditional fuels is becoming increasingly relevant to thermal power plant operators due to increasingly stringent regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. It has been found that when biomass is co-fired, an altered ash composition is formed, which leads to increased levels of corrosion of the superheater tube walls. Synthetic salt, which is representative of the ash formed in the co-firing of a 70% peat and 30% biomass mixture, has been produced and applied to samples of P91 at 540 °C for up to 28 days. This paper presents results for oxide layer thickness and loss of substrate from testing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) element maps are obtained and presented in order to gain an understanding of the complex corrosion mechanism which occurs. A finite-element (FE) methodology is presented which combines corrosion effects with creep damage in pressurized tubes. The effects of corrosion tube wall loss and creep damage on tube stresses and creep life are investigated.
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April 2016
Effect of High-Temperature Corrosion on the Service Life of P91 Piping in Biomass Co-firing
C. P. O'Hagan,
C. P. O'Hagan
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental, Marine and
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Search for other works by this author on:
R. A. Barrett,
R. A. Barrett
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental, Marine and
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Search for other works by this author on:
S. B. Leen,
S. B. Leen
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental,
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Search for other works by this author on:
R. F. D. Monaghan
R. F. D. Monaghan
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental,
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Combustion Chemistry Centre,
National University of Ireland,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
National University of Ireland,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Search for other works by this author on:
C. P. O'Hagan
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental, Marine and
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
R. A. Barrett
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental, Marine and
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
S. B. Leen
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental,
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
R. F. D. Monaghan
Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
College of Engineering and Informatics,
NUI Galway,
Engineering Building,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Ryan Institute for Environmental,
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Marine and Energy Research,
NUI Galway,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland;
Combustion Chemistry Centre,
National University of Ireland,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
National University of Ireland,
Galway H91 HX31, Ireland
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received July 7, 2015; final manuscript received January 18, 2016; published online February 24, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Kunio Hasegawa.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Apr 2016, 138(2): 021407 (11 pages)
Published Online: February 24, 2016
Article history
July 7, 2015
January 18, 2016
O'Hagan, C. P., Barrett, R. A., Leen, S. B., and Monaghan, R. F. D. (February 24, 2016). "Effect of High-Temperature Corrosion on the Service Life of P91 Piping in Biomass Co-firing." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. April 2016; 138(2): 021407.
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