The prediction of lubrication characteristics for compounds through tribological models would aid in the discovery of new lubricant additives and improved lubricant design. But until recently, the field of tribological prediction has been sparse and not systematic. Tribological processes are complex and involve molecular energy exchange as well as conformation transitions. We have developed a platform of a “quantitative structure tribo-ability relationship (QSTR),” which enables us to introduce well-developed quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR) methods into tribology systematically. The present study applies “evaluation of infrared vibration-based” (EVA) descriptors, which are three-dimensional (3D) QSAR descriptors to simulate infrared (IR) vibration properties of molecules, in order to establish the QSTR prediction model. As structural changes take place under friction loads, the EVA descriptors characterize both molecular energy and conformations. The results show a strong correlation and robust predictability of the EVA model to tribological parameters. The approach paves a way to a systematic QSTR.
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April 2015
A Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Tribo-Ability Relationship Model
Xinlei Gao,
Xinlei Gao
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhan Wang,
Zhan Wang
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
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Hong Zhang,
Hong Zhang
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
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Kang Dai
Kang Dai
College of Pharmacy,
South-Central University for Nationalities
,Wuhan, Hubei 430074
, China
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Xinlei Gao
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
Zhan Wang
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
Hong Zhang
School of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Wuhan Polytechnic University
,Wuhan, Hubei 430023
, China
Kang Dai
College of Pharmacy,
South-Central University for Nationalities
,Wuhan, Hubei 430074
, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received May 28, 2014; final manuscript received December 6, 2014; published online February 5, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Min Zou.
J. Tribol. Apr 2015, 137(2): 021802 (8 pages)
Published Online: April 1, 2015
Article history
May 28, 2014
Revision Received:
December 6, 2014
February 5, 2015
Gao, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., and Dai, K. (April 1, 2015). "A Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Tribo-Ability Relationship Model." ASME. J. Tribol. April 2015; 137(2): 021802.
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