Experiments in a linear oscillating cascade reveal that the wind tunnel walls enclosing the airfoils have, in some cases, a detrimental effect on the oscillating cascade aerodynamics. In a subsonic flow field, biconvex airfoils are driven simultaneously in harmonic, torsion-mode oscillations for a range of interblade phase angle values. It is found that the cascade dynamic periodicity—the airfoil-to-airfoil variation in unsteady surface pressure—is good for some values of interblade phase angle but poor for others. Correlation of the unsteady pressure data with oscillating flat plate cascade predictions is generally good for conditions where the periodicity is good and poor where the periodicity is poor. Calculations based upon linearized unsteady aerodynamic theory indicate that pressure waves reflected from the wind tunnel walls are responsible for the cases where there is poor periodicity and poor correlation with the predictions.
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January 1993
Research Papers
Wind Tunnel Wall Effects in a Linear Oscillating Cascade
D. H. Buffum,
D. H. Buffum
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135
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S. Fleeter
S. Fleeter
Thermal Sciences and Propulsion Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Search for other works by this author on:
D. H. Buffum
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135
S. Fleeter
Thermal Sciences and Propulsion Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
J. Turbomach. Jan 1993, 115(1): 147-156 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 1, 1993
Article history
February 20, 1991
June 9, 2008
Buffum, D. H., and Fleeter, S. (January 1, 1993). "Wind Tunnel Wall Effects in a Linear Oscillating Cascade." ASME. J. Turbomach. January 1993; 115(1): 147–156. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2929199
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